Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wednesday Work:Thomas Doyle

Check out the work of Thomas Doyle! Reminds us of photographer Gregory Crewdson, but not of Joel Peter Witkin. The photographs are dy-na-mite! But the work is actually that of sculputral object.
This work makes me yearn for summer,(even though they're kind of creepy) (what does that say about my summers?).

So what do you prefer object or photograph?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wednesday Work: Brainstorm Print and Design

Summer is coming!

We love this silkscreen print, Sunny Surfing from Brainstorm Print and Design. This duo keeps their designs witty, colorful, and detailed, just the way we like it.

Not even a rainy day like today can keep me from dreaming about weekends at the shore. Not so far away since Spring days seem to turn over like the pages of a good book.